


All our products have certifications that guarantee their quality


We are also installers and distributors. It enriches us a lot as professionals of the highest level


We help you find the best solution according to your needs. We also collaborate with architects

Leader in sun protection

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Sunon, since 1993

Sunon emerges as a leading entity in the sun protection, adjustable blinds and security sector. We established our roots as a small and family company, but with an unbreakable dedication and a high dose of professionalism that has marked our successful trajectory over the years.

Sunon represents a reference in the sector, with a consolidated reputation thanks to dedication, professionalism and a visionary perspective focused on quality and safety. We are committed to continuing to move forward and remain a trusted partner for the sun protection and safety needs of our valued customers.


Our collaborators

The most frequent questions

What are the advantages of adjustable blinds?

They greatly reduce the interior temperature due to the venture effect and the glass does not receive any direct sunlight. And it also allows you to regulate the Lighting very easily and adapt it to each moment.

Do tunnel drawer systems provide energy savings?

Yes, in a very important way, since it is verified through thermography that on a good window it is important to have a thermal drawer like those manufactured by Sunon.

What are the differences between tunnel drawers and conventional interior register covers?

Aesthetically they have no color, a home greatly improves the aesthetic aspect apart from all the thermal and acoustic advantages.

What are the maximum widths of your residential security blinds?

They reach 7 meters in width with a minimum diameter, are very silent and have the virtue that the slats fit together and form a very robust wall. We also have garage and commercial door models up to 15 meters wide.

What are the best blinds to place in front of the sea or nearby areas with a salinity meter?

The best blinds are the safety models with textured or anodized paint finishes. As for the adjustable models, which are usually problematic at an architectural level when placing them in these environments, we recommend Sunon external venetian blinds and especially the Alika model, for all its finishes and accessories, since they are made of stainless steel and designed to withstand these environments.

What is better, placing solar protection systems inside or outside?

It is more than proven, by the association ES-SO (European Solar Shading Organisation), that outdoor solar protection systems are up to 7 times more efficient than indoor solar protection systems. Also adding that today with climate change both for heat protection and to protect homes from extreme weather phenomena is still a more appropriate investment.

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For further technical information, please ask for an appointment with a distributor or sales representative, provide us with your details so that we can contact you as soon as possible.
