
Inclined venetian

Outdoor Venetians offer elegant solutions to protect from the sun and control light. They are durable and require little maintenance, adapting to various architectural styles.

The VRO 70 and VRO 90 Venetians have 70 mm and 90 mm sheets, which improve thermal and acoustic insulation, as well as allowing excellent light control.

The VRC 65 and VRC 80 models are lightweight and flexible, ideal for both remodelling and new constructions, and offer efficient solar protection.

Venetians VCO 65 and VCO 90 have S-shaped sheets, which maximize shading and reduce external noise. They are also available with electric control for greater comfort.

The KR80S Façade model uses 4 mm cables, which gives it a high wind resistance and a modern design. It is perfect for covering large areas and is ideal for demanding architectural projects.

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